Pool Blog: 5 reasons why you should avoid hanging string lights over your swimming pool. | GreenCare.net - Las Vegas Pool Contractor, Designer and Builder
Swimming Pool Contractor, Designer, Builder, Las Vegas, NV
Swimming Pool Contractor, Designer, Builder, Las Vegas, NV

5 reasons why you should avoid hanging string lights over your swimming pool

5 reasons why you should avoid hanging string lights over your swimming pool
Custom Pool & Spa Design TH, Pool Contractor

- Death: someone could be electrocuted and DIE. Are the 120 volts string lights plugged into a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlet?? If the lights fall into the water or someone is energized via an aluminum telepole, hopefully a properly installed GFCI is in place and is functioning properly to trip the high voltage circuit. While GFCI's are reliable, like any other mechanical device, they eventually fail. If string lights fall into the pool while powered and a GFCI isn't working (or present) the risk of electrical shock for bathers (or anyone barefoot who comes in contact with the lights) is probable. Are stylish lights over the pool worth the risk? You'll NEVER see them over my pool! There's a reason the 2014 NEC (National Electric Code) states that you must have at least a 10-foot clearance above water level- it's dangerous to have power lines, extension cords, Christmas lights/ string lights above the water ! (And, what prompted this article was that every string light installation I've seen has been less than ten feet above water…) If you do adhere to the code and install the string lights 10-feet high they likely won't put out enough light to be of any real benefit to swimmers.

- Accidents Happen: When playing in or around a pool, accidents happen all the time. Having a set of lights fall into the pool and potentially injure someone is a risk you should avoid. Why even create the potential for an accident. Don't install string lights over the pool.

- Reduced Opportunities for Fun: If you have lights strung above the pool, you won't be able to play with beach balls or other toys in the pool as easily. The risk of knocking the lights down would be much too great. You're cutting down on the fun just to have "trendy lighting".

- It creates more Work: Trust me, I've brushed many a pool and it's not only unsettling trying to avoid overhead wires/ cords/ lights with an aluminum pole in my hands. It makes it more challenging to net and brush the pool effectively. Why make cleaning the pool more difficult? Don't install string lights above the pool.

- Lastly, the manufacturers of string lights make no mention of these lights being safe "over" swimming pools. They aren't dumb, they know they aren't safe over swimming pools and you won't find a photo in their ads of string lights over a pool. But someone installed them above a pool and posted it on-line and now it's "fashionable". ITS A BAD IDEA!

Tim Hanlon, Pool Contractor